Steve joined Neil Cavuto following President Trump’s summit with Vladimir Putin, warning not to judge President Trump based on short term tactics.
Steve on Good Morning Britain
Steve joined Good Morning Britain to discuss the recent summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un.
Steve on Making Money with Charles Payne
Steve joined Making Money with Charles Payne to discuss whether Donald Trump should defer the issue of torture to Defense Secretary, James Mattis.
Steve joined Dana Loesch on The Blaze
Steve joined the Dana Loesch Radio Show on The Blaze to discuss the Nordic state dinner.
Steve on Fox Business
Steve joined Fox Business to discuss China’s ‘Skynet’ operation to hunt down corrupt Chinese officials.
Steve Yates on Fox Business After the Closing Bell
Steve joined After the Closing Bell on Fox Business to discuss the investigation into the Chattanooga, Tennessee shooting.
Steve Yates on Fox and Friends
"Trust but verify" Obama channels Reagan on nukes, but falls short on tactical strategy. Position of strength is crucial and no deal will keep us safe.
Steve on Fox & Friends
President Clinton opposes the move to give up internet control. Does the internet giveaway weaken cyber security?
Steve on The Situation Room with Woolf Blitzer
Report: U.S. hacked North Korea before Sony cyberattack. Gordon Chang also weighs in.
Steve on The Situation Room
Obama punishes North Korea for cyberattack.